
dumpet.fun is a popularity contest duel platform.

ArConnect wallet is required.

Step 1: Select an active market to participate in or create your own.

Step 2: Deposit the specified token to become eligible for voting.

Step 3: Vote for your preferred option or vote with your bias.

Step 4: Once the market duration ends, anyone can conclude the market process.

Market creators can set the duration between 8 minutes and 8 days.

Step 5: The option with the highest votes wins.

The tokens from losing votes are distributed proportionally to the winners.

A 1% fee applies if you cancel your vote before the market concludes.

You can claim a one-time airdrop if your wallet did not previously hold a DUMPET token balance.

DUMPET token and all market processes are spawned with Owner=""

The market process will earn any mined AO rewards from user deposits, if applicable.

The market creator will be able to withdraw this from the process when the AO mainnet launches.

This feature provides greater economic incentive for market creators.

The range of possible duel ideas are endless. There are NO RULES!

Forget reality, it's all about the voter deposits.

Are you ready to dumpet?

Dumpet is experimental. Use at your own risk.

Unexpected issues may occur, and we may not be able to recover any losses.